Indian cricketer Yuzvendra Chahal has been making news of late over his personal life. Chahal and his wife Dhanashree Verma have reportedly decided to part ways, with the news triggering a social media storm. Amid this social media chatter, the Indian cricket team leg-spinner was spotted on the sets of Bigg Boss 18 with fellow Indian cricketer Shreyas Iyer and Punjab Kings batter Shashank Singh. Seeing the trio, fans understandably got excited, wondering if a potential participation in the Salman Khan-starrer show was on the cards.
While the exact reason behind their appearance isn’t yet known, it has been reported suggested the trio might feature in the upcoming Weekend Ka Vaar special episode, taking the excitement around the show to a new level.
Indian Cricketers Shreyas Iyer, Yuzendra Chahal, and Shashank Singh in the Bigg Boss 18 set for #WeekendKaVaar shoot with Salman Khan.
— #BiggBoss_Tak (@BiggBoss_Tak) January 10, 2025
Both Chahal and Dhanashree recently took to social media to address the chatter around thier personal lives.
Dhanashree was heartbroken by the vile comments being made against her on social media amid divorce rumours. She wrote on social media: “The past few days have been incredibly tough for my family and me. What’s truly upsetting is the baseless writing, devoid of fact-checking, and the character assassination of my reputation by faceless trolls spreading hate.”
Chahal also broke his silence on the matter, though he directly didn’t confirm the divorce news. He said: “I am grateful to all my fans for their unwavering love and support without which, I wouldn’t have come this far. But this journey is far from OVER!!! As there are still many incredible OVERS left to deliver for my country, my team, and for my fans!!! While I am proud to be a sportsman, I am also a Son, a Brother, and a Friend. I understand the curiosity surrounding recent events, particularly about my personal life. However, I have noticed certain social media posts speculating on matters that may or may not be true,” Chahal wrote in his statement.