Top Telugu actor Allu Arjun on Tuesday visited the boy, who is undergoing treatment at a private hospital here after suffering serious injury in a stampede at the premiere of his latest film Pushpa 2. Earlier, Arjun was scheduled to visit the hospital on January 5 but the plan was cancelled.
The actor is added as accused No 11 in the case filed after a woman died and her eight-year-old son sustained serious injuries in the stampede on December 4.
During Allu Arjun’s visit to the hospital on Tuesday, Telangana State Film Development Corporation (FDC) Chairman Dil Raju was also present. Security was enhanced at the hospital in view of the actor’s visit.
The SHO of Ramgopalpet Police Station had issued a notice to Allu Arjun regarding his proposed visit to the hospital and advised him to keep it confidential so that public order could be maintained in and around the hospital.
The SHO said police would make necessary arrangements for his visit.
The ‘Pushpa’ actor had earlier said that he remained deeply concerned about the boy, who is under constant medical care after the incident. He wished the boy a speedy recovery and said he is looking forward to meeting him and his family, but was advised not to due to ongoing legal proceedings.
The stampede occurred at Sandhya theatre in Hyderabad on December 4 as fans gathered to catch a glimpse of the actor during the Pushpa 2 premiere.
Following the tragedy, a case was registered against Allu Arjun, his security team, and the theatre management at the Chikkadpally police station. The charges were filed under various sections of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS) based on a complaint by the woman’s family.
He was arrested on December 13 in connection with the case. However, the Telangana High Court granted him interim bail on December 14. He was granted regular bail by a city court on January 3.