In a grain market of Uttar Pradesh’s Ghaziabad, the price of the Paddy (Dhan) Basmati 1509 rice variety has decreased by Rs 200 to Rs 300 per quintal in the last two days because the exporters are no longer coming in with big orders. The reason for the slump in exports is due to the […]
Centre Introduces New System To Identify, Block International Spoof Calls
Centre has introduced a new system to identify and block incoming international spoofed calls before they can reach Indian telecom subscribers. This comes amid a spate of incidents where users were “digitally arrested”, and threatened with mobile disconnection, cybercriminals even impersonation of government officials or law enforcement agencies, including false accusations involving drugs, narcotics, and […]
Centre Introduces New System To Identify, Block International Spoof Calls
Centre has introduced a new system to identify and block incoming international spoofed calls before they can reach Indian telecom subscribers. This comes amid a spate of incidents where users were “digitally arrested”, and threatened with mobile disconnection, cybercriminals even impersonation of government officials or law enforcement agencies, including false accusations involving drugs, narcotics, and […]
World’s Highest Gamma Ray Telescope Set To Peek Into Universe’s Secrets
It is a telescope like no other, a special robotic eye in the sky to track some of the most energetic phenomena such as the birth and death of stars. One needs very special instruments to study these exploding stars. India now holds the honour of having the world’s highest-altitude gamma ray telescope situated at […]
World’s Highest Gamma Ray Telescope Set To Peek Into Universe’s Secrets From Ladakh
It is a telescope like no other, a special robotic eye in the sky to track some of the most energetic phenomena such as the birth and death of stars. One needs very special instruments to study these exploding stars. India now holds the honour of having the world’s highest-altitude gamma ray telescope situated at […]