A Rajasthan Police circle officer was suspended on Saturday, two days after a rape accused man allegedly hanged himself to death while in police custody, officials said. Lohawat Circle Officer Shankar Lal Chhaba is an officer of the Rajasthan Police Service and will be attached to the Police Headquarters, Jaipur, during his suspension. Rajasthan Director […]
1 Member Of SAARC Practising “Cross-Border Terrorism”: S Jaishankar
The SAARC is “not moving forward” and meetings of the regional grouping have not happened in the last few years as one of its members is practising “cross-border terrorism”, External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar said on Saturday. The EAM’s remarks on the stalling of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC), without naming any […]
1 Member Of SAARC Practising “Cross-Border Terrorism”: S Jaishankar
The SAARC is “not moving forward” and meetings of the regional grouping have not happened in the last few years as one of its members is practising “cross-border terrorism”, External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar said on Saturday. The EAM’s remarks on the stalling of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC), without naming any […]
RG Kar Horror: Bengal Doctors Begin “Fast Unto Death” In Kolkata
The junior doctors, protesting over the rape and murder of their colleague at the RG Kar hospital, went on fast unto death on Saturday evening, claiming that their demands were not fulfilled by the West Bengal government. With three days left before the Durga Puja festivities start, the doctors had on Friday begun a sit-in […]
RG Kar Horror: Bengal Doctors Begin “Fast Unto Death” In Kolkata
The junior doctors, protesting over the rape and murder of their colleague at the RG Kar hospital, went on fast unto death on Saturday evening, claiming that their demands were not fulfilled by the West Bengal government. With three days left before the Durga Puja festivities start, the doctors had on Friday begun a sit-in […]