A luxury car owned by Maharashtra BJP chief Chandrashekhar Bawankule’s son Sanket Bawankule hit several vehicles on Monday morning in Nagpur’s Ramdaspeth area, after which two of its occupants, including the driver, were arrested. There were five persons in the car at the time of the accident, but three of them, including Sanket Bawankule, had […]
Category: Uncategorized
Audi Of Maharashtra BJP Chief’s Son Hits Several Vehicles In Nagpur; 2 Arrested
A luxury car owned by Maharashtra BJP chief Chandrashekhar Bawankule’s son Sanket Bawankule hit several vehicles on Monday morning in Nagpur’s Ramdaspeth area, after which two of its occupants, including the driver, were arrested. There were five persons in the car at the time of the accident, but three of them, including Sanket Bawankule, had […]
“Was Surprise Attack, We Responded, Forced Them To Go Back”: Top CRPF Official On Kangpokpi Firing
A day after personnel of the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) thwarted an attack by armed gunmen on their camp in Manipur’s Kangpokpi, a senior CRPF officer said there was “rapid and random” firing on the roof of the camp and a befitting reply was given to the attackers. CRPF Deputy Inspector General (DIG) Manish […]
Verified Debt Claim On Byju’s Is Only Rs 20 Crore, Says Founder
Think & Learn, which owns Byju’s may not have to pay any amount for the disputed USD 1.2-billion Term Loan B due the present “behaviour” of Glas Trust — an agency which is representing US-based lenders — Founder and CEO of the edtach major Byju Raveendran said. In an interview to PTI, Raveendran said the […]
The Grand Scooty Theft By A ‘Schoolgirl’ In Varanasi
So far as car thefts go, this one from Uttar Pradesh’s Varanasi breaks new grounds. The ‘car’ in question was actually a two-wheeler. But that does not detract from the uniqueness of the modus operandi. The owner of the scooty – the resident of a flat in Varanasi’s Kabir Nagar – has said a girl […]