Former cricketer Salil Ankola’s mother was found dead in her Pune flat on Friday with her throat slit, a police official said, adding the injuries look “self inflicted”. The body of Mala Ashok Ankola (77) was found in her flat on Prabhat Road in Deccan Gymkhana area in the afternoon, the official said. “The incident […]
Category: Uncategorized
Cricketer-Actor Salil Ankola’s Mother Found Dead At Home With Throat Slit
Former cricketer Salil Ankola’s mother was found dead in her Pune flat on Friday with her throat slit, a police official said, adding the injuries look “self inflicted”. The body of Mala Ashok Ankola (77) was found in her flat on Prabhat Road in Deccan Gymkhana area in the afternoon, the official said. “The incident […]
Has JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon Endorsed Donald Trump? What He Said
Jamie Dimon has firmly denied former US president Donald Trump’s recent claim that the CEO of JPMorgan Chase has endorsed him for the US presidency. This clarification came shortly after Trump claimed he had Dimon’s support. A spokesperson for Dimon, Joe Evangelisti, refuted the endorsement, telling CNBC, “Jamie Dimon has not endorsed anyone. He has […]
10 Dead, No Connectivity, Flash Floods In Meghalaya’s Garo Hills Cause Devastation
Santa N Marak, 57, was working in a kitchen with her 28-year-old daughter Moralistic Marak when a fatal landslide struck Koinadubi in Dalu village on Friday morning, leading to her death. Moralistic was injured and admitted to the Community Health Centre (CHC) in Dalu. Incessant rainfall has triggered multiple landslides, mudslides and flash floods across […]
“Slower Check-Ins, Longer Queues”: IndiGo Hit By System Slowdown
IndiGo Airlines is facing a major technical glitch and there have been reports of long queues at airport check-in counters as well as difficulties booking tickets. The problems began around 12.30 pm on Saturday and, around an hour later, the airline confirmed that it is experiencing a “temporary system slowdown” across its network. It warned […]