<p>Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was attacked in his Bandra West apartment late at night. According to the FIR filed at Bandra Police Station, the incident occurred around 2 a.m. Saif’s domestic help, Ariama Philips, reported hearing suspicious noises from inside the house. Upon investigating, she noticed a shadow and found the bathroom light on. Moments later, an intruder emerged, threatened her to remain silent, and demanded ₹1 crore.</p>
<p>When Saif intervened, the attacker, armed with a hex blade, assaulted him. Saif sustained injuries, including deep wounds on his left hand and neck, and was rushed to Lilavati Hospital, where surgery was performed. The police suspect the intruder accessed the building through an adjacent structure. Investigations are ongoing to determine whether the attacker was known to the household. Saif is now out of danger.</p>