<p>Mumbai police have registered an FIR in the case of actor Saif Ali Khan’s attack. A copy of the two-page FIR has been released, revealing that the accused demanded a ransom of ₹1 crore during the attack.<br />According to the FIR, Saif Ali Khan’s staff filed a complaint, stating that the attacker demanded ₹1 crore when confronted at Saif Ali Khan’s home. When asked about his demands, the attacker replied, “I need money,” and upon further inquiry, stated, “₹1 crore.”<br />The FIR also states that the attacker fought with the maid, resulting in injuries to both of her hands.<br />Saif’s staff member, Eliyama Philips, shared her account in the complaint, revealing that she was awakened at 2 AM by strange noises. She noticed an open bathroom door with a light on and saw a shadow before realizing something was wrong.</p>