The Election Commission of India has filed a case against Parvesh Verma, a former MP and BJP candidate for the upcoming Delhi Assembly elections, for violating the Model Code of Conduct by distributing shoes to people at a temple in the capital. Mr Verma is contesting from the New Delhi constituency against AAP chief and former chief minister Arvind Kejriwal, and the Congress’ Sandeep Dikshit, who is a two-time MP and son of former Delhi chief minister Sheila Dikshit.
A video shared by the AAP on X showed Mr Verma, son of former Delhi chief minister Sahib Singh Verma and two-term MP from West Delhi, putting on shoes on elderly women and then asking for their blessings as his supporters shout “long live Parvesh Verma”.
In its post with the video, shot on the campus of the Valmiki Temple near Mandir Marg in the New Delhi constituency, the AAP wrote, “Can’t the Election Commission see democracy being murdered? On the one hand, BJP candidate from New Delhi Assembly Pravesh Verma is openly distributing shoes on the streets. He is getting photos clicked and videos shot. On the other hand, the District Election Officer (DM) is saying nothing like this is happening. If the Election Commission does not take action on this video of open violation of the code of conduct, what is the meaning of elections and the democratic process?”
Acting on a complaint by an advocate, the returning officer for the New Delhi constituency on Thursday wrote a letter to the Mandir Marg police station seeking the registration of a first information report (FIR) against the BJP leader.
“As per Section 123 of the Representation of People Act, 1951 (1) (A) any gift, offer or promise by a candidate or his agent or by any other person with the consent of a candidate or his election agent of any gratification, to any person, comes under Corrupt practices,” the returning officer wrote.
“It is therefore, directed that immediate investigation into the matter may be conducted and appropriate action for violation of MCC and action under Section 123 of RP Act, 1951 may be initiated and action taken report to be submitted to undersigned at the earliest,” he added.
Taking note of the returning officer’s letter, an FIR has been registered against Mr Verma.
Delhi will vote on February 5 and counting will take place on February 8.