A 35-year-old man fell to death from the roof of a building in Uttar Pradesh’s Muzaffarnagar on Monday. The incident took place when the victim, Farid, lost his balance while throwing a cardboard.
The disturbing incident was captured on CCTV – which shows a man wearing a blue jacket standing in a small alley near the building. A bundle of cardboard first fell on the floor. Within seconds, the victim fell. The man can be seen trying to save Farid, but he fails to do so.
The victim was rushed to a hospital nearby where he died, officials said.
He was a scrap dealer in the area.
In another incident last week in UP, a man, his daughter and his niece were burnt to death after a high-tension electric cable fell on them in Gorakhpur. the incident was caught on CCTV which showed the man and the two girls on a bike and taking a left close to a garbage dump. They came in contact with an 11,000 Volt high tension wire and were electrocuted. Within seconds, the bike caught fire and the man and the two children were burned to death and no one could rescue them.
The trio died on the spot, officials said.