Rajasthan Sports Minister Rajyavardhan Rathore got the chance to witness shades of former India seamer Zaheer Khan when he turned up into the nets to face young sensation, Sushila Meena. Just a couple of weeks ago, Sushila was living a common life before a single post changed her fate. ‘Master Blaster’ Sachin Tendulkar shared a video last month of Sushila, whose bowling action resonated with the one that Zaheer had, and from that moment, she went viral on social media. Rajyavardhan shared a video on X of his attempt to face the young left-arm bowler Sushila. She came charging down with her effortless action and pitched her delivery up. Rajyavardhan tried to go for a drive but completely missed the line as the ball went crashing into the middle stump.
“Bitiya se clean bowled hokar hum sab jeet gaye (We all won after getting clean bowled by the young daughter),” Rajyavardhan wrote on X.
बिटिया से क्लीन बोल्ड होकर हम सब जीत गए#राजस्थान #Rajasthan #Sports #Happiness #Cricket pic.twitter.com/VFrezO92GT
— Col Rajyavardhan Rathore (@Ra_THORe) January 6, 2025
Sushila hails from a small village in Rajasthan’s Pratapgarh and found her love for cricket three years ago. Despite the lack of training and facilities, Shushula has remained committed to playing cricket, with her coach, Ishwarlal Meena, helping her to master the art of bowling.
“I have been playing for three years. My coach Ishwarlal Meena taught me how to bowl,” Sushila told ANI.
Her father, Ratna Meena, thanked Sachin Tendulkar for posting a video on his X account, which made her daughter viral on social media, “I want to thank Sachin Tendulkar. It was because of him my daughter went viral.”
With balancing school life and pursuing her passion for cricket, the journey hasn’t been easy for Sushila. To ensure that the young prodigy gets proper training Sushila’s coach has been taking time to maintain the balance.
Ratna gave credit to her coach and said, “Her coach has taught her everything. He used to take out time and teach her bowling.”