Sonakshi Sinha clapped back at Mukesh Khanna, who criticised her for not answering a question from Ramayana correctly on Amitabh Bachchan’s Kaun Banega Crorepati 11, back in 2019. Sonakshi shared a long note on Instagram stories countering the veteran actor’s allegation made against her father. Sonakshi also wrote she “blanked out” on the show and she “respectfully” requested the Mahabharat actor to “forget” the incident that he keeps on touching upon in public “to be back in the news”. Sonakshi began the note with these words, “Dear Sir, Mukesh Khanna ji …I recently read a statement you made saying that it’s my father’s fault I did not answer a question about the Ramayana correctly on a show I attended many, many years back. Firstly let me remind you there were two women on the hot seat that day who did not know the answer to the same question, but you choose to keep taking my name, and only my name, for reasons which are quite obvious.”

The Lootera actor continued, “Yes, I may have blanked out that day, a human tendency, and forgotten who the sanjeevani booti was brought for, but clearly, you have also forgotten some of the lessons of forgive and forget taught by Lord Ram himself… if Lord Ram can forgive Manthara, if he can forgive Kaikeyi… if he can even forgive Ravan after the great battle was done, surely you can let go of this extremely small thing in comparison.. not that I need your forgiveness. But yes, I definitely need you to forget and stop bringing up the same incident time and again to be back in the news at the expense of me and my family.”

Mukesh Khanna, who previously raised an eyebrow at Sonakshi for her lack of knowledge of Ramayana, talked about it again during a recent interview with Siddharth Kannan. The veteran actor blamed Shatrughan Sinha for not teaching Sonakshi about the epic. Safeguarding her father’s honour and reputation, Sonakshi wrote,  “And lastly, the next time you decide to say anything about the values my father has instilled in me… please remember it’s because of those values that I have only said what I said, very respectfully, after you decided to make some distasteful statements about my upbringing. I wish you well, thanks and regards, Sonakshi Sinha.”

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For context, Sonakshi Sinha couldn’t answer correctly when she was asked for whom Hanuman brought Sanjeevani booti in the Ramayana on KBC. Amitabh Bachchan playfully teased her about her ignorance of the epic. Speaking to Siddharth Kannan, Mukesh Khanna talked about how Shaktimaan needs to guide today’s generation to make them aware of their glorious past. Without taking name, he then hinted at Sonakshi’s inefficiency to answer the Ramayana question. When asked if he was referring to Sonakshi, he said, “Luv Kush is the name of their bungalow. People got angry, ‘She doesn’t know’. I said it’s not Sonakshi’s fault; it’s her father’s fault. Why did you not tell your kids? Why did you let them be so modern?”