Passengers onboard an express train travelling from Chhapra to Mathura experienced a near-panic situation here on Monday morning when smoke emanated from a coach due to a jammed brake. The incident occurred on the 22531 Mathura SF Express between Gauri Bazar and Baitalpur railway stations where the train was halted, and the issue was promptly resolved by the guard and driver before it resumed its journey with a delay of about 30 minutes, officials said.

“Upon receiving information about the smoke in one of the coaches, the train was stopped on the up track, and the driver and guard repaired the jammed brake, which was the source of the smoke,” Gauri Bazar station master Bharat Kumar said, adding that no passenger was harmed in the incident. “After ensuring the brake was functioning properly, the train departed safely with a delay of around half-an-hour,” Kumar added.