Veteran actor Jeetendra and his wife, producer Shobha Kapoor, recently celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in grand style. To mark this milestone, the couple hosted a lavish bash attended by several prominent names, including actresses Neelam Kothari, Krystle D’Souza and Ridhi Dogra, along with Tanusri Dasgupta (Executive Vice President of Balaji Telefilms), producers Ruchikaa Kapoor and Shabinaa Khan, and, of course, their daughter and celebrated producer Ektaa Kapoor. Krystle D’Souza gave fans a glimpse of the happy event by sharing a series of photos and videos on Instagram. The post featured the guests posing with Jeetendra and Shobha Kapoor, followed by solo shots of Krystle looking radiant in a black-and-gold ensemble.
The celebrations included a gorgeous two-tiered white cake, which was a highlight of the event. In one of the videos, Krystle, Ridhi Dogra and Ruchikaa Kapoor were seen dancing to the hit track Ooh La La from The Dirty Picture. The final slide featured a quintessential group performance on the iconic birthday song Baar Baar Din Ye Aaye.
The text attached to the post read, “Last night was magical filled with so much love! Here’s a glimpse of us girls with the evergreen dulha and dulhan.”
Jeetendra and Shobha Kapoor’s son, actor Tusshar Kapoor, reshared a video on social media capturing the special cake-cutting moment. The clip, originally posted by entrepreneur Aparna Kapoor, highlighted the Golden Jubilee festivities. The side note read, “50 years, a testament to resilience, deep love, and a bond that inspires us all. Here’s to the ultimate power couple and their golden legacy!”
Jeetendra and Shobha Kapoor got married in 1974. The couple welcomed in 1975 and 1976.