Days after meeting Prime Minister Narendra Modi with the Kapoor family along with him, Saif Ali Khan revealed what they had talked about in an interview with Hindustan Times. Sharing his gratitude, Saif Ali Khan said, “I am happy I could have been a part of it through Kareena, Karisma and Ranbir. What a lovely honour for the family to have a stamp with Raj sahab to commemorate his 100th birth anniversary.” Saif also asked PM Modi, how much rest he can take amid his tight schedule. “He asked about my parents individually and said he thought we would bring Taimur and Jehangir to meet him! He signed a paper for them that Kareena asked him to. To me he looked like he was working very hard running the country, and still taking time to connect on this level. I asked him how much rest he got and he said about three hours a night. It was a special day for me. We thanked him for taking out some of his valuable time to see us and give the family so much respect,” said the Omkara actor.

The Kapoor clan went to Delhi to invite PM Modi to join the Raj Kapoor birth centenary celebrations, which started on December 13 with a film festival. Kareena’s carousel post grabbed the Internet’s attention for a reason. A picture shows PM Modi signing an autograph for Taimur and Jeh. Kareena Kapoor also shared a close-up shot making the names visibly clear. In other pictures, PM Modi can be seen interacting with Saif Ali Khan, Karisma Kapoor, Ranbir Kapoor and other members of the Kapoor family. Take a look:

Last month, Ranbir Kapoor announced a film festival marking the legendary actor-director’s 100th birth anniversary at the IFFI 2024. The National Film Development Corporation of India (NFDC), National Film Archives of India (NFAI), and Film Heritage Foundation (FHF) and his uncle Kunal Kapoor have started restoring 10 films of Raj Kapoor, the actor said. The Kapoors had a mega famjam as they showed up in full strength at the opening ceremony of the festival.