Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar on Sunday expressed grief over the killing of two migrant workers from the state in Manipur’s Kakching district, and announced ex gratia of Rs 2 lakh each for family members of the deceased.

His Manipur counterpart N Biren Singh also condemned the “brutal killing of young brothers, Sunalal Kumar (18) and Dasharat Kumar (17), from Bihar”. Biren Singh said an ex gratia of Rs 10 lakh will be provided to each bereaved family.

The two were construction workers and lived in a rented accommodation in Kakching.

“The CM (Nitish Kumar) has expressed deep sorrow over the killing of two migrant workers from the state in Manipur’s Kakching district. Heartfelt condolences to their family,” a statement issued by the Chief Minister’s Office (CMO) said.

“He has announced an ex gratia of Rs 2 lakh each to the immediate family members of the deceased… (he) also directed officials of the state’s social welfare and labour departments to ensure that the family members get other benefits, too, as per existing provisions,” it said.

The Manipur Chief Minister said, “This act of terrorism is a direct assault on our values, and my deepest condolences go out to their grieving families.”

“In this crucial juncture, we cannot ignore the possibility that this horrific crime is part of a larger conspiracy to destabilize our state and push it further towards chaos. We must stand together against these destructive forces and ensure that they do not succeed in creating fear and insecurity,” Biren Singh said.

“An ex gratia of Rs 10 lakh will be provided to each bereaved family, and every possible effort is underway to identify, apprehend, and prosecute those responsible. If required, the case will be transferred to the National Investigation Agency (NIA) to ensure a fair and thorough inquiry,” he added.