A CCTV footage of a mudslide in the aftermath of Cyclone Fengal in Tamil Nadu’s Tiruvannamalai town has emerged. The video shows a mix of mud, water, and debris gushing heavily down a stairway and also entering homes of the people. The water is seen bringing down with it every object that comes in its way until it eventually weakens almost a minute later.

The footage is from Sunday in Pavala Kundru area of Thiruvannamalai, which is almost one kilometer away from the home where a family of seven people was killed after a boulder rolled down a hilltop and hit their home due to a landslide. 

Tamil Nadu is witnessing heavy rainfall in the aftermath of Cyclone Fengal even after it weakened yesterday. At least 10 people have been killed in rain-related incidents in both Tamil Nadu and Puducherry. 

Roads in several areas of Tamil Nadu have been destroyed due to torrential rain. According to an estimate by the Tamil Nadu government, the cyclone has caused unprecedented devastation in 14 districts, extensively damaging roads, electricity lines and causing heavy inundation.

Chief Minister MK Stalin has taken stock of the situation in the state. He chaired a meeting with his cabinet and assessed the damage caused due to the cyclone. He has also announced a compensation of Rs 5 lakh for the relatives of the family that died due to landslide and a relief of Rs 2,000 to each rain-affected family in Villupuram, Cuddalore and Kallakurichi districts.