Indian airline, IndiGo’s parent company InterGlobe Aviation Limited has filed a case against Mahindra Electric Automobile Limited a subsidiary of Mahindra & Mahindra for unauthorised use of “6e” moniker. This comes after the electric vehicle manufacturing arm of M&M launched the first of their electric origin vehicles in the Indian market. It came in the form of the introduction of XEV 9e and BE 6e last week.

As per reports, the case titled Interglobe Aviation vs Mahindra Electric Automobile Limited, was presented before Justice Amit Bansal on Tuesday. However, the court is yet to pass a judgement on the case with the next hearing scheduled on 9 December.

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It is to be noted that IndiGo, one of India’s largest airlines operates under callsign “6E”. The moniker is an integral part of the brand’s identity. The callsign is further used by the airline to offer passenger-centric services like 6E Prime, 6E Flex and 6E Add-ons. The airline also registered the trademark “6E Link” in 2015 across multiple classes.

Meanwhile, the electric vehicle manufacturer under M&M received approval from the trademark registrar to register ‘BE 6E’ under Class 12. This covers a wide variety of motor vehicles excluding two-wheelers. Now, IndiGo has moved to court against this registration, arguing that it could lead to consumer confusion and while simultaneously diluting its brand identity.

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Addressing the situation, Mahindra & Mahindra has issued a statement saying, “Mahindra Electric Automobile Limited, a subsidiary of the Company (“MEAL”), revealed its electric origin SUVs the BE 6e and XEV 9e on 26th November, 2024. MEAL has applied for trade mark registration under class 12 (vehicles) for “BE 6e” a part of its electric origin SUV portfolio.”

They added. “Hence, the Company does not see a conflict as Mahindra’s mark is “BE 6e,” not the standalone “6E.” It differs fundamentally from Indigo’s “6E,” which represents an airline, eliminating any risk of confusion. The distinct styling further emphasizes their uniqueness.”

M&M further clarified that they are in discussions with InterGlobe Aviation Limited to find an amicable solution. They said, “The Company has been transparently disclosing the material litigations on the Company to the Stock Exchanges and will continue to do so in compliance with the Listing Regulations.”