Mahindra has launched two of its much-awaited electric cars based on the brand-new INGLO EV platform. The BE 6e’s prices start at Rs 18.90 lakh, while the XEV 9e is priced at Rs 21.90 lakh (ex-showroom, India). The cost of the charger is not included in these prices. These are just the entry-level prices; the complete price list for the two cars will be revealed in the latter half of January 2025, just before they reach Mahindra dealerships. While the carmaker hasn’t disclosed all the details yet, here’s what you need to know if you’re considering buying one.

Mahindra will open bookings for the two EVs in January 2025, with deliveries expected to begin by February or March 2025. The two new EVs are likely to be showcased to the general public at the upcoming Bharat Mobility Expo 2025. Mahindra has been adopting a staggered launch approach for its latest products, which helps generate strong customer interest before they hit showrooms.

The BE 6e is part of Mahindra’s Born Electric sub-brand, while the XEV 9e belongs to the XEV range. Both EVs feature LED headlamps with LED DRLs, LED tail lamps, and aerodynamic alloy wheels. They also have flush-type door handles and a 2-spoke steering wheel inside.

Both cars offer battery pack options of 59 kWh and 79 kWh. The BE 6e boasts a claimed range of 535 km and 682 km, while the XEV 9e offers a range of 542 km and 656 km, depending on the variant. Power output is consistent across models, with 231 hp/380 Nm for the 59 kWh variant and 286 hp/380 Nm for the 79 kWh variant.