Baahubali 2 famed Subbaraju is now off the market. The actor recently got married at the age of 47. Subbaraju made the announcement by sharing a wedding picture with his wife on Instagram. The image showed the couple dressed up in traditional Indian attires. While the bride looked stunning in a red silk saree with golden zari embroidery, Subbaraju looked dashing in an ivory dhoti and kurta. His wife accessorised her ensemble with jasmine flowers and traditional jewellery. The couple twinned wearing similar black sunglasses. The photo featured them standing by a beach. In the caption, Subbaraju wrote, “Hitched finally !!!”
The post got big love from Subbaraju’s industry friends and colleagues. In the comment section, director Harish Shankar wrote, “Congratulations Subbaraju…. Happy married life.” Actor Abhinaya Krishna added, “Finally!!!! Congratulations anna.”
Hailing from Bhimavaram, Andhra Pradesh, Subbaraju has had an incredible career in the Indian film industry. After a chance meeting with filmmaker Krishna Vamsi, he made his cinematic debut in Khadgam, marking the beginning of his career. The actor’s breakthrough role came with Puri Jagannadh’s Amma Nanna O Tamila Ammayi in 2003. The film featured Ravi Teja and Asin in lead roles.
After that, Subbaraju made appearances in several popular films including Arya, Pokiri, Billa, Khaleja and more. Subbaraju got nationwide recognition with the role of Kumar Verma in the popular Pan-India film Baahubali: The Conclusion. Directed by SS Rajamouli, the film’s cast featured Prabhas and Anushka Shetty in lead roles.
Subbaraju has been part of Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam and Hindi films, playing a range of characters from antagonists to supporting parts. His roles in movies like Bbuddah… Hoga Terra Baap, Temper, Leader and Mirchi are still favoured by fans. With more than 100 films to his name, Subbaraju’s skill has gained him a reputation as a great actor among his fans. The actor was last seen in the 2024 film Jithender Reddy.