Anil Kapoor and wife Sunita Kapoor visited the iconic Taj Mahal recently and the actor shared pictures on his Instagram. Anil and Sunita can be seen posing adorably for the cameras in one of the clicks. Anil Kapoor rocked an all-black look while Sunita Kapoor was dressed in her winter best. Sharing the pictures, Anil Kapoor wrote, “Perhaps it is true that we do not really exist until there is someone there to see us existing, we cannot properly speak until there is someone who can understand what we are saying in essence, we are not wholly alive until we are loved.” He quoted the lines from Alain de Botton’s On Love. Anil Kapoor’s friends and family members sent love in the comments section.

Farah Khan wrote, “Deep papaji! Who wrote it?” Varun Dhawan, who shared screen space with Mr Kapoor in Jugjugg Jeeyo dropped a love emoji. Masaba Gupta wrote, “Love your necklace, Sunita Aunty.” Shilpa Shetty wrote, “Awww.” Anand Ahuja and Rhea Kapoor also dropped love emojis in the comments section. Take a look:

Re-sharing the picture on her Instagram story, Sonam Kapoor wrote, “My favourite people in the world.” Tagging her parents she wrote, “Thank you God for my parents.”

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Earlier, this year Anil Kapoor wished his wife on their 40th wedding anniversary. Sharing throwback pictures, Anil Kapoor wrote, “Forty years ago today, I married the love of my life, my best friend, and my rock. Sunita, our journey began 11 years before that, and every moment since has been nothing short of epic. From our early days of love and laughter to raising our beautiful family, we’ve created countless memories that fill my heart with joy and pride.”

He added, “Our marriage has been a tapestry of adventures, challenges, and triumphs, all woven together with the threads of unwavering love and mutual respect. You’ve stood by me through thick and thin, and your strength, grace, and compassion have always inspired me to be a better man.Thank you for your endless support, your wisdom, and your boundless love. As we celebrate this incredible milestone, I am filled with gratitude for every single moment we’ve shared. Here’s to the past 40 years, and to many more decades of love, laughter, and togetherness. I love you more than words can express, Sonu! Happy anniversary, my love.” Take a look:

Anil Kapoor married Sunita in 1984. They are parents to actress Sonam Kapoor, actor Harsh Varrdhan Kapoor and producer Rhea Kapoor.