Two explosions occurred outside two clubs in Chandigarh on Monday night, with the police suspecting it a case of attempted extortion. According to officials, the blast took place in Sector 26 outside the Seville Bar and Lounge – owned by singer and rapper Badshah, and De Orra Club.

CCTV footage shows a man throwing what is suspected to be crude bombs at the clubs and running away.

Visuals from the incident site showed shattered window panes of the clubs due to the explosions.

No one was injured in the case.

Upon receiving the information, the Chandigarh police, along with the Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) reached the spot, officials said.

While the police are investigating the extortion angle, it is also suspected that there was a fight between the partners of the two clubs.

The police are investigating further angles, officials said.

Badshah opened the Seville restaurant in December last year, along with co-owning two other establishments – Sago Spicy Symphony and Sidera. The 39-year-old rapper sings songs in Hindi, English, Punjabi, and Haryanvi languages. He has also sung songs for some Bollywood films including ‘Kapoor and Sons’ and ‘Crew’.