Anurag Kashyap‘s debut directorial project, Paanch, is finally hitting the big screens. The film, which was reportedly made in 2003, could not make it to theatres after the Central Board of Film Certification raised objections. Now, Tutu Sharma, one of Paanch‘s producers, has confirmed that the movie will be released in cinema halls “within six months.” He also mentioned that the negatives have slightly deteriorated, but the team is already working on restoring them. “Paanch is definitely coming next year. I plan to release it in cinemas within six months. The film was banned and the negatives have slightly deteriorated. The process of restoring them has already started. As soon as it’s ready, we’ll release Paanch,” Tutu Sharma told Bollywood Hungama.

The producer added, “The issues (with the Central Board of Film Certification) were resolved. But then we faced some more challenges; hence, the film was lying on the cans. Also, the trend of re-runs is here now. So, one can imagine the potential of Paanch. That’s a very encouraging sign. Also, the times are such that such films are being watched, and they have an audience.”

Paanch has been headlined by Kay Kay Menon. The movie also features Aditya Srivastava, Vijay Maurya, Joy Fernandes, Tejaswini Kolhapure, Vijay Raaz and Abhinav Kashyap. 

During the same interaction, Tutu Sharma spoke about the performances of actors and director Anurag Kashyap. He said, “Not just Kay Kay Menon but even Tejaswini Kolhapure is brilliant in the film. According to me, it is Anurag Kashyap’s best film to date. Many people believe that. You’ll agree with me once you see it.”

Paanch is reportedly based on the 1976–77 Joshi-Abhyankar serial murders in Pune. After Paanch, Anurag Kashyap went on to direct several critically acclaimed films, such as Black Friday, Dev.D, the Gangs of Wasseypur series and Raman Raghav 2.0, among others. His most recent directorial venture is Kennedy, which features Rahul Bhat and Sunny Leone.