LSG Full Squad, IPL 2025: Rishabh Pant on Sunday etched his name in history books, becoming the most expensive buy ever in the history of the IPL auction. Pant was bought by Rs LSG for a shattering sum of Rs 27 crore. LSG were in a bidding war with RCB and DC, who had released the player ahead of the IPL 2025 mega auction. DC tried to use RTM on Pant when LSG had the bid on Rs 20.75 crore. However, LSG made a final counter bid of Rs 27 crore, which DC couldn’t match. As a result, Pant became the most expensive player, surpassing PBKS’ bid of Rs 26.75 crore for Shreyas Iyer earlier in the same auction. (Full Squad)

LSG also bolstered their squad by the notable signings of Aiden Markram, David Miller, Mitchell Marsh and Avesh Khan.

Full list of players bought at auction:

1. Rishabh Pant – Rs 27 crore

2. Aiden Markram – Rs 2 crore

3. David Miller – Rs 7.5 crore

4. Mitchell Marsh – Rs 3.4 crore

5. Avesh Khan – Rs 9.75 crore

6. Abdul Samad – Rs 4.2 crore

7. Aryan Juyal – Rs 30 lakh

Full list of retained players: Nicholas Pooran, Mayank Yadav, Ravi Bishnoi, Mohsin Khan, Ayush Badoni

Full list of released players: KL Rahul, Devdutt Padikkal, Quinton de Kock, Ashton Turner, Deepak Hooda, Krishnappa Gowtham, Krunal Pandya, Kyle Mayers, Marcus Stoinis, Mohd. Arshad Khan, Prerak Mankad, Yudhvir Singh, Arshin Kulkarni, David Willey, Shivam Mavi, Shamar Joseph, Matt Henry, Yash Thakur, Amit Mishra, Naveen ul Haq, M Siddharth