Kartik Aaryan turned 34 on Friday (November 22). The actor is currently in Goa to attend the International Film Festival of India (IFFI). On his birthday eve, Kartik’s team hosted a special beachside birthday dinner for the actor. Kartik’s personal stylist Milan Kepchaki shared glimpses from the evening on Instagram. It featured Kartik dressed in a black shirt, sitting at a dinner table with his team. The group is captured in a candid moment. In the next slide, there is a birthday invitation especially curated for the actor. It reveals the dress code for the event as “formal” and the time and location of the party – “November 21, 9:30 pm onwards” at “beachside, St Regis.” The note attached to the post read, “This what a Birthday filled with happiness and good vibe looks like!! Thank you Kartik Aaryan for showing up and making your birthday so much fun!!!” 

A day after his birthday, Kartik Aaryan shared a video on Instagram and thanked all his fans for their abundant love. In the shared clip, the actor can be seen taking a dip in the sea as he watches the sunset. “Thank you for your abundant love,” Kartik wrote in the caption.

Last week, Kartik Aaryan joined Diljit Dosanjh on stage during his concert in Ahmedabad. The duo two were seen dancing and hugging while performing on stage. The actor shared a string of images featuring the two stars. The first picture had Diljit and Kartik raising their hands as they were colour-coordinated in black outfits. In the next image, Kartik hugged Diljit from the back. The duo looked at each other and smiled in the third photograph. The caption on the post read, “Vibe (Call Me Hand Emoji).

On the work front, Kartik Aaryan was last seen in Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3 alongside Vidya Balan, Madhuri Dixit and Triptii Dimri.