Actor Aadar Jain and his girlfriend Alekha Advani is now rokafied. The couple’s roka ceremony took place at the actor’s residence in Mumbai. Among the attendees were the actor’s cousins – Kareena Kapoor, Karishma Kapoor, Ranbir Kapoor and Armaan Jain. Neetu Kapoor was also present at the venue. They were dressed in their ethnic best.

After the ceremony, the couple made their first appearance together and posed for the lensmen stationed there. Aadar and Alekha twinned in white outfits. While Aadar sported a white kurta teamed with an intricately embroidered jacket and pants. Alekha, on the other hand, picked a white saree. Several photos and videos of the couple have been doing the rounds on social media. Take a look.

In September this year, Aadar Jain announced his engagement to his girlfriend, Alekha Advani. The actor shared a series of pictures from the beachside proposal, where he asked his “first crush” and “best friend” to be his forever by slipping a ring onto her finger.

In the photos, Aadar, dressed in a striped white and blue shirt with white pants, is seen on one knee proposing to Alekha, who looked radiant in a sheer yellow dress. Alekha, with tears in her eyes, looks moved as Aadar places the ring on her finger. They are surrounded by a heart-shaped arrangement of sand and rose petals, alongside a “Marry Me” sign lit up with golden lights. The couple seals the moment with a kiss. Sharing the pictures on Instagram, “My first crush, my best friend, and now, my forever.”

Aadar Jain and Alekha Advani made their relationship Instagram official in November last year. He shared an adorable picture in which we can see Aadar and Alekha Advani holding hands. The text attached to the picture read, “Light of my life”. He added a red heart to it.

On the work front, Aadar Jain has starred in movies Qaidi Band, Hello Charlie and Mogul.