Varun Dhawan and Keerthy Suresh starrer Baby John is set to hit the theatres on Christmas 2024. On Monday, November 25, the makers will release a song from the movie, adding to the excitement and anticipation. Now, Varun has shared a lovely post to make the announcement. He shared a clip in collaboration with Keerthy and the ace singer Diljit Dosanjh. The video opens with Varun, Keerthy and Diljit grooving to the trendy beats of Nain Mattaka. Varun then says in Hindi, “We are coming tomorrow, keep cool, see you tomorrow”. The caption read, “NAIN MATTAKA out tomorrow. Baby John, good vibes only.”

Directed by Kalees, Baby John is a remake of Atlee’s Tamil film Theri, which was released in 2016. Besides Varun Dhawan and Keerthy Suresh, the action thriller will feature Wamiqa Gabbi and Jackie Shroff in key roles. It is produced under Jio Studios, Cine1 Studios and A for Apple Productions. Earlier, the makers released an intense poster of the project, featuring Varun in a striking avatar. His rugged look, complemented by a freshly done beard and long hair, grabbed much attention online. Sharing the poster on Instagram, the actor said, “Good vibes guaranteed with this Baby John Taster Cut, out tomorrow.”

Baby John will clash with Allu Arjun’s much-awaited Pushpa 2 at the box office. Speaking on the blockbuster Clash, Manoj Desai, Executive Director of Mumbai’s G7 Multiplex and Maratha Mandir cinema told Bollywood Hungama,“I would like to request Varun that, without keeping any ego in mind, postpone the film by one week. Pushpa 2 has its own special place.” he added, “He (Allu Arjun) managed to get a crowd of 3 lakh people in Bihar, where South Indian films don’t do well. He did such dhamaal over there. So, it won’t be a problem if Baby John gets postponed by a week or two.”