Bundles of cash adding up to a staggering Rs 50 lakh were found hidden inside the spare tyre of a vehicle in poll-bound Jharkhand. The recovery was made by Income Tax department officials at a checkpoint during a vehicle inspection in the Deori police station area near the Jharkhand-Bihar border in Giridih district. An investigation into the source and purpose of the money has been launched.

In a video, income tax and security officials are seen taking several stacks of cash out of the tyre through a narrow cut. Four officials take turns putting their hands deep into the tyre to pull the cash out and the bundles add up to 11. 

Bharatiya Janata Party’s MP from Jharkhand’s Godda Constituency, Nishikant Dubey, shared the video on X (formerly Twitter) and attacked the ruling Jharkhand Mukti Morcha and its ally Congress for “corruption” in the state.

“If you want to see corruption and piles of money, come to Jharkhand. Today, the income tax department and @ECISVEEP seized 50 lakhs from JMM to influence the elections in Giridih. Look at the Jugaad of Congress and JMM,” he wrote in the caption.

The video was then reshared by BJP Jharkhand’s state president Babulal Marandi who alleged that Congress and JMM are trying to influence the election with “money power”.  

The cash recovery comes the day after Jharkhand voted in the first phase of state polls. A turnout of 64.86 percent was recorded till 5 pm in the 43 Jharkhand seats that voted yesterday. The second phase of polling will be held on November 20 and the votes will be counted on November 23.