Madhya Pradesh: ATS, NCB Bust Bhopal Drug Factory, Seize Rs 1,800 Crore Worth of Drugs; 2 Arrested

<p>The Anti-Terror Squad (ATS) and the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) conducted a major raid in Bagroda, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, confiscating drugs valued at approximately Rs 1,800 crore. The drugs were recovered from a factory in the Katara Hills police station area. Two individuals have been arrested in connection with the seizure.</p>
<p>This operation took place in the industrial area of the Bagroda plateau. The Delhi NCB led the raid in collaboration with the Gujarat ATS and Delhi ATS. During the operation, MD (Mephedrone) drugs and materials used for their production were seized.</p>
<p>According to inputs, the raid targeted a private factory located at plot number 63 in Katara Hills. Notably, the local police were kept uninformed throughout the entire operation. Teams from the Delhi ATS, NCB, and Gujarat ATS had been stationed in Bhopal for the last 24 hours to coordinate this operation.</p>
<p><strong>ALSO READ | <a title=”” href=”″ target=”_blank” rel=”noopener” data-toggle=”tooltip” data-html=”true” data-original-title=”Story ID: 1721701″ aria-describedby=”tooltip773758″> Rs 5,000 Crore Drug Bust: ‘Mastermind’ Has Congress Links, Say Delhi Police Sources; Congress Reacts</a></strong></p>
<p><strong>Gujarat Home Minister Praises ATS, NCB Efforts</strong></p>
<p>Meanwhile, Gujarat Home Minister Harsh Sanghavi commended the efforts of the ATS and NCB in a post on X. He announced that MD drugs and their raw materials, worth Rs 1,814 crore, were confiscated during the joint operation by the Gujarat Anti-Terrorist Squad and the Narcotics Control Bureau, Delhi.</p>
<p>”Kudos to Gujarat ATS and NCB (Ops), Delhi, for a massive win in the fight against drugs! Recently, they raided a factory in Bhopal and seized MD drugs and materials used to manufacture MD, with a staggering total value of Rs 1,814 crore,” Sanghavi said in his post.</p>
<blockquote class=”twitter-tweet”>
<p dir=”ltr” lang=”en”>Kudos to Gujarat ATS and NCB (Ops), Delhi, for a massive win in the fight against drugs!<br /><br />Recently, they raided a factory in Bhopal and seized MD and materials used to manufacture MD, with a staggering total value of ₹1814 crores!<br /><br />This achievement showcases the tireless efforts&hellip; <a href=””></a></p>
&mdash; Harsh Sanghavi (@sanghaviharsh) <a href=””>October 6, 2024</a></blockquote>
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<p>”This achievement showcases the tireless efforts of our law enforcement agencies in combating drug trafficking and abuse. Their collaborative efforts are crucial in safeguarding the health and security of our society,” he added.</p>
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<p>The minister further praised the unwavering dedication of law enforcement agencies in combating drug trafficking and protecting public health and security. Urging continued support for these agencies, he said, “Let&rsquo;s continue to support them in their mission to make India the safest and healthiest nation!”</p>

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