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Mumbai Man Secures Bail In Rape Case Due To ‘Live-In Pact’, Woman Alleges Forged Signature

<p>A 46-year-old government employee in Mumbai has been granted pre-arrest bail in a rape case after presenting a controversial “live-in relationship agreement” in court. The case, filed by his 29-year-old partner, accuses him of multiple instances of rape under the pretext of marriage during their time living together. The agreement, purportedly signed by both parties, allegedly states that neither would file any case of sexual harassment against the other. However, the woman has contested the authenticity of the document, asserting that the signature is not hers.</p>
<p>The police, who are now investigating the legitimacy of the so-called relationship pact, revealed that the woman works as a caregiver for the elderly, NDTV reported. She alleges that her partner promised marriage but instead violated her trust and assaulted her multiple times.</p>
<p>The man&rsquo;s lawyer, Sunil Pandey, has dismissed the accusations, labelling the case as fraudulent. “The applicant has been falsely implicated in the case. He is a victim of circumstances. They were in a live-in relationship. The agreement shows that both of them had agreed to be in a relationship. The agreement was made, the woman signed it. The agreement shows that both of them had agreed to be in a relationship,” Pandey stated in defence of his client, as quoted by NDTV’s report.</p>
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<h3><strong>Mumbai Man’s ‘Agreement’ With Partner Absolves Him Of Responsibility In Case Of Pregnancy</strong></h3>
<p>The seven-point agreement, which the accused claims to have been mutually agreed upon, stipulates several conditions, including the period from 1 August 2024 to 30 June 2025 as the duration of their cohabitation. It further asserts that they would refrain from filing any sexual harassment cases against each other and outlines conditions regarding their living arrangements and responsibilities</p>
<p>As per the purported agreement, the woman was asked to reside with the man at his home but had the option to separate at any time “after giving one month’s notice” if&nbsp; “she finds his behaviour inappropriate”.</p>
<p>One of the most contentious clauses in the agreement absolves the man of any responsibility if the woman were to become pregnant during their time together. Another clause prevents the woman’s relatives from visiting her at the man&rsquo;s residence, as per the report.&nbsp;&nbsp;”The woman is expected not to cause any harassment or mental agony to the man during their time together,” it further stated.</p>