<p>Misa Bharti, the daughter of RJD leader Lalu Yadav and an MP, made a significant statement about Nitish Kumar, the leader of JDU and Bihar’s Chief Minister. When asked by the media, Misa Bharti commented on Nitish Kumar’s return to the Grand Alliance, saying that everything is possible in politics. She mentioned that there has been ongoing discussion on this matter for a while because, recently, after Makar Sankranti, there has been significant change. She added that it would be premature to say anything about it right now, as after Khar Maas, all auspicious work begins. At the same time RJD leader Lalu Prasad Yadav, in statement during a gathering in chuda dahi, said that this time Bihar will witness the return of the RJD to Power, and Tejashwi Yadav should become cheif minister of Bihar . </p>