The Aam Aadmi Party released a new campaign video on the ‘Mahila Samman Yojana’, a welfare scheme which promises Rs 2,100 per month to women in Delhi. The poll promise has been a point of contention in the heated campaign for elections scheduled next month.
AAP shared a video on X captioning, “Now money will not be a hindrance for small needs, brother will send Rs 2100 every month. A brother should be like this, like Kejriwal…”
अब छोटी-छोटी जरूरतों के लिए पैसा रुकावट नहीं बनेगा, भाई हर महीने ₹2100 भेजेगा ?
भाई हो तो ऐसा, केजरीवाल जैसा…♥️
— AAP (@AamAadmiParty) January 8, 2025
The video showed a woman buying a bottle of shampoo with the extra money she received from her brother, a reference to Mr Kejriwal and his scheme for women.
Meanwhile, the BJP has labelled the “fraudulent” and accused AAP of misleading women for electoral gains ahead of polls.
Under the Mahila Samman Yojana, every woman in Delhi will receive Rs 2,100 monthly. As per AAP, this initiative aims to support women in managing household expenses and pursuing higher education.
“We know how hard mothers and sisters work. Many manage their households while working outside. This Rs 2,100 will help daughters complete their college education and enable housewives to handle rising household expenses or fulfil their personal aspirations, such as buying a saree or suit for themselves,” Mr Kejriwal said.
“Ever since this scheme was announced, we have been inundated with calls and queries about registration. Today, I want to announce that registration will begin tomorrow. You do not need to stand in lines or waste time. Our AAP teams will visit your homes, register the women, and provide a registration card. Keep this card safe,” the AAP convenor added.
Voting in Delhi will take place in a single phase on February 5 and votes will be counted on February 8.